<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Contents

  1. purpose of processing personal information, collection items, retention and use period

  2. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

  3. Outsourcing of personal information processing

  4. Overseas Transfer of Personal Information

  5. destruction of personal information

  6. Measures for destruction of unused personal information (in case of separate storage)

  7. Rights and obligations of information subjects and legal representatives and how to exercise them

  8. Measures to ensure the safety of personal information

  9. Matters concerning the installation, operation, and rejection of automatic personal information collection devices

  10. Matters concerning the collection, use and rejection of behavioral information

  11. Personal Information Protection Officer and Request for Access to Personal Information

  12. Remedies for infringement of rights

  13. Changes to the Privacy Policy


아들러("Adler" or the "Company") processes and safely manages personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act and related laws and regulations in order to protect the freedom and rights of information subjects. Accordingly, in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the Company establishes and discloses the following personal information processing policy to inform information subjects of the procedures and standards for processing personal information and to promptly and smoothly handle grievances related thereto.

1. purpose of processing personal information, collection items, retention and use period

The "Company" processes the personal information of the data subject as follows.

Service Purpose of collection Collections Etention and usage periods
Sign up and manage Confirmation of membership intention, identification and authentication for the provision of membership services, maintenance and management of membership, various notices and notifications, and grievance handling purposes <Email Login>
[required] Email address, username, nickname
<Username Login>
[required] Email address, username, nickname
<SNS Login_Apple>
[required] Email address
<SNS Login_Gmail>
[required] Email address Until withdrawal of membership
※ However, if an investigation or investigation is underway due to violation of relevant laws and regulations, until the end of the investigation or investigation.
Service Management Preventing service abuse [required] Email address, username, nickname Up to 3 months after membership withdrawal
※ However, if an investigation or investigation is underway due to violation of relevant laws and regulations, until the end of the investigation or investigation.
Personalized services Provide personalized service [Required] Username, various automatically generated information generated during the use of the service and service usage records (faulty usage records, access logs, cookies), IP address, advertising identifier, Mac address Until withdrawal of membership
※ Stored according to the statutory retention period
Reporting errors and complaints Verify receivers, identify and resolve causes based on the content of the receipt, and process responses to receipts. [Required] Username, email address, and service usage records generated while using the service (bad usage records, access logs, cookies) Until withdrawal of membership
※ Stored according to the statutory retention period
Contact Us Verify inquirers, reply to inquiries, and more [Required] Username, email address, inquiry details, various automatically generated information generated while using the service, and service usage records (faulty usage records, access logs, cookies) Until withdrawal of membership
※ Stored according to the statutory retention period
Performance information statistics and new service development Product/service usage information statistics, new service development [Required] Various automatically generated information generated during the use of the service and service usage records (faulty usage records, access logs, cookies), post information created by the information subject, terminal information (OS/screen size), IP address, Mac address Until withdrawal of membership
※ Stored according to the statutory retention period
Public relations and marketing Providing services and placing advertisements based on statistical characteristics, and providing advertising (customized) information [Optional] Username, email address, various automatically generated information generated during the use of the service, service usage history (search history, bad usage history, access logs, cookies), IP address, advertising identifier Until withdrawal of consent or withdrawal of membership
※ Stored according to the statutory retention period
Maintain, manage, and repair services Maintain, manage, and repair services [Required] Username, nickname, email address, profile information, various automatically generated information generated during the use of the service, service usage records (bad usage records, access logs, cookies), and post information created by the information subject.
[Optional] IP address, Mac address Until withdrawal of consent or withdrawal of membership
※ Stored according to the statutory retention period

※ The following information will be destroyed after a certain period of time according to the statutory retention period.

Supporting legislation Retained items Retention period
Retention period Article 6 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce etc. and Enforcement Decree Article 6(1) Records of contracts or withdrawals, payments, goods, etc. 5 years
Article 6 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. and Article 6(1) of the Enforcement Decree Records of consumer complaints or dispute handling 3 years
Article 6 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. and Article 6(1) of the Enforcement Decree History of display/advertising 6 months
Internal Revenue Code Books and documentation for all transactions as required by tax law. 5 years
Article 22(1) of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act and Article 12(1) of the Enforcement Decree Records of electronic financial transactions 5 years
Article 15(2) of the Act on the Protection of Communications Secrets and Article 41(2) of the Enforcement Decree Service visit history 3 months
Article 20, paragraph 2 of the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information Records on the collection, processing, and use of credit information 3 years

2. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

  1. "The "Company" processes the personal information of the information subject only within the scope specified for the purpose of processing the personal information, and provides the personal information to a third party only in cases falling under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the information subject or special provisions of the law, and does not provide the personal information of the information subject to a third party.
  2. "The Company may provide personal information to related organizations without the consent of the information subject in the event of an emergency, such as a disaster, infectious disease, an event or accident that poses an imminent risk to life or health, or an imminent loss of property, in accordance with the "Guidelines for Handling and Protecting Personal Information in Emergency Situations" jointly announced by government related departments. For more information, please click here.

In this case, the "Company" will only provide the minimum amount of personal information required under the applicable laws and will not provide it for a different purpose.

<aside> ⚠️ Information and Communication Service Provider A telecommunications carrier under Article 2 (8) of the Telecommunications Business Act and a person who provides information or mediates the provision of information using the telecommunications services of a telecommunications carrier for commercial purposes.


3. outsourcing of personal information processing

  1. The "Company" entrusts the processing of personal information as follows for smooth personal information processing.
Custodian (trustee) Outsourcing Retention and usage periods
Amazon Web Services Inc. Retaining data, including personal information Until withdrawal or the end of the consignment contract
Elastic NV Storing User Behavioral Analytics Logs Until withdrawal or the end of the consignment contract
Google (Analytics) Online personalized advertising Up to 26 months or until the end of the custodial contract
Sentry Storing user access error logs Until withdrawal or the end of the consignment contract
(주)Channel Corporation (ChannelTalk) ChannelTalk customer inquiry system operation Until withdrawal or the end of the consignment contract
  1. "In accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, when entering into an outsourcing contract, the Company specifies in documents such as contracts the prohibition of processing personal information other than for the purpose of performing outsourced services, technical and administrative protection measures, restrictions on re-consignment, management and supervision of the outsourcer, and responsibilities such as compensation for damages, and supervises whether the outsourcer processes personal information safely.
  2. If the contents of the consignment work or the trustee change, we will disclose it through this privacy policy without delay.